Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Introduction to Age of Empires: Castle Siege

My gametag in game is CozierPigeon91, and I am Prezident's Men!

This is the first post for a blog dedicated to helping players of all skills improve on your strategy. Whether you have just played through the first few stages and are age 1, or you are a dominating force on the leaderboards with your fully upgraded age 9 castle, this blog will offer you tips, tricks, and strategies to improve your gameplay!

Stay tuned, because here is the upcoming schedule of postings I have planned for the next week!

-An introduction to the game, including defining of terms such as "Frost", "Great Wall", and a brief walkthrough of each unit including their strengths and weaknesses!

-This post will be dedicated to early game(ie, age 1-2) players. What resources should I be getting? What are ways to minimize losses and maximize my attacks win ratio?

-All things Heroes! I'll go over each of the heroes(some more than others, sorry Tariq!), what they are good for, and what powerful combos you can do with them!

-Alliances: Why should you join one, and which one works best for you?

-Defense 101: This post will cover fundamentals that are used from Age 1 to Age 9. If you are struggling with defense, this post is for you!

-Traps. Well-placed Engineer traps and Fire Traps can be the difference between a loss and a defeat(And don't forget the lowly Caltrops!). This post will help you make sure you are getting the most from your traps!

-Age 4. This is where you get some fun toys. What are they and how should you use them? A helpful guide for any Age 4 player.

-Tower Placement. While Defense 101 covered fundamentals and broad ideas, Tower Placement will focus on a specific aspect of your defense and how you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your towers!

Well, that's an introduction. Stay tuned for more Age of Empires: Castle Siege! If you have any ideas for upcoming blog posts feel free to comment below, along with your AoE:CS name.

Thanks for reading, tomorrow we cover the basics of the game!

-Note: Future posts will include far more pictures and demonstrations, less wall of text :)

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